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A Message In Time - Sharing memories... one message at a time.
We hope you enjoy using our site. The following is a quick note on my idea and the inspiration behind A Message In Time....

Shortly after my son’s 2nd birthday, while home alone with my child, I had a medical emergency that required an ambulance ride. My wife was at work and there was no one close enough to help. I couldn’t stop thinking about the worst case scenario, my son growing up without me by his side. The next day I wrote a series of notes for him, some filled with love and support, some for guidance and life lessons, some just for fun. I put the notes in my safe and told a childhood friend where they could be found if needed. His response was “I can’t believe there isn’t a website for that.”

So here we are, I called another longtime friend with the idea, guess what? His wife was already writing letters to their children. Next step, I called a friend that designs and programs websites, his wife was writing to their children as well. I quickly learned that I wasn’t the only one leaving messages for loved ones to be opened at a later date. It wasn’t only for people with health concerns. It was for parents and grandparents, aunts and uncles, childhood friends, anyone and everyone.

One of our main goals is to make this site simple to use. Please feel free to leave us any suggestions or comments. We look forward to reading about your experience with our website.